Aico’s Dental Group
Westlake and Garfield Heights, we provide safe and effective
teeth whitening
using the Zoom Chairside Whitening System. This professional, scientifically advanced whitening system compares shades of its product to your natural tooth to determine which one will best match your natural smile. Our teeth whitening dentist will examine your teeth to help you make your decision. Although Zoom’s results are typically faster than other whitening treatments, your exact results will depend on your natural teeth and their level of staining.
If you have minimal staining, it will probably be enough to use our lightest application, which typically shows results within two weeks, but if you have dull, yellow or stained teeth, you may need a stronger solution, which could take four weeks or more to show results. Still, the wait will be worth having a brighter smile. Do you have sensitive teeth? Don’t worry, because Zoom provides options for you as well.